Join the Biggest Coin Drop in American History

The Strategy:
The organizers will also be releasing an undisclosed amount of specially marked coins. If these coins are found, treasure hunters will be able to redeem them for actual numismatic rarities at participating coin shops across the US. ***This is only a strategy and is subject to change.***
Easter Eggs:
To avoid the chance of losing a key or semi-key date coin forever, we will be distributing a limited amount of special tokens with hologram stickers on them. We ask that if and when these coins are found, treasure hunters will be able to take these coins to their local participating RAD dealer who will be listed on www.GreatAmericanCoinHunt.com. That dealer will trade that stickered token for a true rare coin with a Red Book value of up to $100. The dealer would have the choice and would cover the cost of the giveaway. We will only be distributing a few per participant.
This is an opt in situation and we should confirm soon, so that we can send out your hologram tokens. We are asking that you please give away vintage, raw coins only. Then maybe the treasure hunter can decide if he wants it graded. If a coin is found and there is not a participating dealer nearby, they will be able to redeem the coin through the Great American Coin Hunt website.
We are looking for sponsors so that we can release “five golden tickets.” If we can find the funding, these tokens could be worth thousands each. Great American Coin Hunt would be exclusively responsible for releasing and redeeming these golden ticket hologram tokens across the country.
Other ideas:
We are also considering the idea of distributing “Keys to the Coin Shop”. These keys would be distributed throughout your city. One key would open a treasure box inside of your store. The contents of the box should be worth a couple hundred dollars but make it a really cool variety of stuff. These keys will be distributed by RT so that we can place a hologram on the keys.
Metal detecting drop spots: We are encouraging collectors and dealers to find areas to drop coins for metal detectors. In this situation, they would have to have the owner’s permission. They can bury them or just scatter in a field. They would have to post the spot on the ZeeMap so that treasure hunters know where to look.
The map.
Many participants have already begun to post grocery stores, gas stations and restaurants where they intend on spending their coins on our ZeeMap.
Please no residential addresses for coin drops or metal detecting. (Those addresses will not be approved by admins.)
Not all stores will be posted. There will be a lot of people participating in the Hunt and this is only a small percentage will actually post on the map.